
Hello, folks. Thank you for checking in on my website. I’m Cliff Somers, sometimes referred to in some of my writing as “The message man” because a lot of my writing is message heavy. My books, briefly referred to without their subtitles are “Is He or Isn’t He?, “How Stupid Are We?” and “Daydreams and Nightmares”. In the order listed above, they are about religion, politics and poetry, albeit, the poetry covers the other two subjects as well. At least two more are under consideration but are naught but daydreams themselves for now – or are those just nightmares? As someone who majored in English in undergraduate school, I thought for decades that I would someday write the great American novel. That has not happened and I doubt that it ever will. However, as a retired trial lawyer, I find that I can’t keep my opinions to myself, and thus the books to date. I enjoy writing about controversial issues and I love being disagreed with so that I can argue with the poor souls who choose to undertake that.

So, as I said, welcome. In this website you will learn a little more about my books and about me. I am not assuming you really want to know more about me, but my publishers seem to think you will, so that subject is covered here. You will also be able to order and pay for the books on this website should you choose to purchase one. (Please do…please, please do. Do I sound desperate?) But, seriously, if you like to read about controversial subjects and think about them, try one of these books. If you like poetry that sometimes even rhymes, try that book.