My hope here is to motivate a Trump supporter to explain to me why people favor Mr. Trump. Only those who can spell and can follow a logical thread to a reasonable conclusion need apply. However, given that I am frequently guilty of typos myself, all such will be readily forgiven. If you are a smart person, a decent person, a hardworking person, a generous person, I would like to hear from you if you would like to explain how such people as yourself can favor this guy. Let me also say that if you are a QAnon believer, if you think all Democrats are pedophiles, believe that the “white race” is being “replaced” by colored people, that the facts are whatever you want them to be and that the 2020 election was stolen by Biden, then you don’t qualify for what I am seeking. You are welcome to respond, but you will quickly reveal these failings.

Let me first explain my view of this man, using words that are not quite obscene. He is, as dozens of experts have opined, a narcissist to whom the only important person in the world is himself. He is a sociopath, also known to psychologists as a psychopath. That is, he has no sense of morals or ethics that guide him and he believes that those who are so guided are “suckers” and “losers” and he enjoys cheating and lying to gain any advantage he can over such people. This includes all those to whom he has made commitments such as contractors, suppliers, attorneys and, worst of all, all the suckers who can be conned into giving him money for phony purposes that he misrepresents. He believes that it is just “smart business” to run up enormous indebtedness and then go into bankruptcy so as to screw those who trusted him.

As a president, he would rather have watched TV, looking for himself on the screen than do the actual 12 to 14 hour days so many presidents did simply to stay abreast of things. He wouldn’t read his presidential briefings and whenever he was told something he didn’t want to hear, he attacked the messenger. He ran his day-to-day affairs as president with an eye to punishing all who disagreed with him and lying in every other sentence he uttered. He dissed our international friends and cozied up to such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

The man stole from his inauguration funds, stole from those whom he conned into signing up with his “university”, stole from his “charity” and is apparently stealing $250 million in his defense “super pac”. Worst of all, he has steadily encouraged those who have insane hatreds to come to his banner and to urge them on to violence from the January 6th incident to his recent threat that terrible things will occur if he is indicted. He is the worst human being and the most incompetent president in history.

If you are a reasonable and decent person who supports Trump. Please, please tell me why. I really, really want to know.
