The “Message Man”? So, why the message man? Sounds a little egotistical, don’t you think? Or something, anyway. There actually IS a reason. Good to know, isn’t it? I didn’t seriously start writing until I was 75 years old. Even then, although I always thought I might write a novel, it turned out to be two non-fiction books. The first, “Is He or Isn’t He? A Response to God’s Not Dead” Is a rebuttal of the Book “God’s Not Dead, Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty” written by Pastor Rice Broocks. As a trial lawyer (now retired), I read that book looking for the “evidence”. As a non-believer and recently admitted-to atheist, I was interested to see this “evidence”. As it turned out there was none. As an advocate, I wanted to tell the world that the pastor was misleading people. I don’t want to proselytize, but I didn’t want the pastor to get away with it unchallenged. Thus, a message book. The second book is “How Stupid Are We?” Again, I perceive that our political functioning in this country is being hijacked by a far right wing takeover of the Republican Party and have thought so for many years. I wrote the book during the 2016 presidential campaign, but that was just the impetus for doing the work. It is full of facts showing why our federal government has been suborned by a group of ultra-rich plutocrats, big corporations and powerful but still power-hungry Republican politicians. And we keep voting for them. It is our own fault if we elect them and don’t notice what they are doing to us. The book covers many areas from global warming, to dark money in politics, to the wealth gap, and other points. Thus, a message. Recently I have been writing poetry and, lo and behold, messages. Thus, “The Message Man.”

By nature I enjoy debate and argument. I invite anyone who spots something I wrote with which he or she disagrees to bring it to my attention. Maybe I will agree with you, or better yet, maybe I won’t and we can have a great argument.
