“The Message Man” Explained

The “Message Man”? So, why the message man? Sounds a little egotistical, don’t you think? Or something, anyway. There actually IS a reason. Good to know, isn’t it? I didn’t seriously start writing until I was 75 years old. Even then, although I always thought I might...

The phenomenon known as Donald Trump

My hope here is to motivate a Trump supporter to explain to me why people favor Mr. Trump. Only those who can spell and can follow a logical thread to a reasonable conclusion need apply. However, given that I am frequently guilty of typos myself, all such will be...

Why Do We Believe What We Do?

Within the last couple of days I read a news blurb quoting Newt Gingrich as saying on Fox News that the Biden administration is the most corrupt of any American administration in history. The source was credible and I believe he said it. What I find unusual about that...

A Brand-New Minted American Tyrant

This will be a short note. I have just started early research and preparation for a book on this subject. However, from my perspective, it can never be too soon to raise this alarm publicly. The tyrant I refer to is the governor so beloved of my state of Florida’s...